NEWS - 2022/2021

GROUP EXHIBITION|Idemitsu Art Award アーティスト・セレクション2022

2022年12月14日 - 12月26日|14 - 26 December 2022

Website: Idemitsu Art Award(旧シェル美術賞)

Place: 国立新美術館 /The National Art Center Tokyo

〒106-8558 国立新美術館 1階展示室1B(東京都港区六本木7-22-2)
2022年12月14日(水)~12月26日(月) ※20日(火)休館

SOLO EXHIBITION|夜明け前 Before Dawn

2022年10月8日 - 10月16日|8 - 16 October 2022

Place: 画廊翠巒 /Galerie Suiran

〒371-0801 群馬県前橋市文京町1-47-1 /Gunma, Japan
10:30-19:00 (最終日17:00迄), 火曜休廊 /10:30-19:00 (16 October: 10:30-17:00)Tue: Close


2022年7月23日 - 9月2日|23 July - 2 September 2022

Exhibition Page

Place: SAVVY contemporary

Reinickendorfer Straße 17 13347 Berlin
Thur–Sun 14:00-19:00


GROUP EXHIBITION The rising generation 特別展 1x1+1=ワン・バイ・ワン・プラス・ワン

11 November - 5 December 2021

Place: 渋川市美術館・桑原巨守彫刻美術館 /The museum of Shibukawa city

〒377-0008 群馬県渋川市渋川1901番地24 /Gunma, Japan
10:00-18:00, 火曜休館/10:00-19:00 Tue: Closed


GROUP EXHIBITION 箱の中に見えるもの vol.5

29 April - 23 May 2021

Place: 渋川市美術館・桑原巨守彫刻美術館 /The museum of Shibukawa city

〒377-0008 群馬県渋川市渋川1901番地24 /Gunma, Japan
10:00-18:00, 火曜休館(但し5月4日、5日は開館。5月6日休館。 /10:00-19:00 Tue: Closed(May 4,5: Open, May 6: Closed)



6 - 14 March 2021

Place: 画廊翠巒 /Galerie Suiran

〒371-0801 群馬県前橋市文京町1-47-1 /Gunma, Japan
10:30-19:00 (最終日17:00迄), 火曜休廊 /10:30-19:00 (14 March: 10:30-17:00)Tue: Closed



This exhibition is for reporting about Artist-in-residence at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in 2019-2020. 

Be Magazine #27


Introductory article p.24-27
Text by Frederica Bueti
Publisher Künstlerhaus Bethanien
ISSN 0946-3585
September 2020


21 August - 13 September 2020

Place: Künstlerhaus Bethanien
Kottbusser Str. 10 10999 Berlin
Tue-Sun: 2-7 pm, Mon: Closed


I'm pleased to say that my solo exhibition would be open at Künstlerhaus Bethanien on August 21 - September 13.
I've stayed in Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin as a fellow of the Pola Art Foundation since last November. In this exhibition, I will show new paintings inspired by the night club, which is the heart of the Berlin culture. Last winter I threw caution to the wind and visit to night club because I thought that I need to know what is important for the Berlin culture. So, it was an amazing/crazy place - my paintings are based on such an experience.
Currently time changes, it is challenging for us to visit anywhere not only far away, but even close by. I need to make a show worth the heaviness. In this show, I make an effort to create an experience that can only be obtained from real artworks. Also, I will upload some photos after the opening. Thank you so much!


! The exhibition is finished. Thank you so much for visiting! (14 September 2020)